A new mobile app for Lance Free on iOS and Android store


Lance Free


3 months


Mobile app development

UX/UI Design

Continuous support

Main tech stack

React Native

Microsoft Azure Notification Hub

Showcase project from Codelevate

Lance Free - a new mobile app for iOS & Android

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Lance Free is a leading freelance platform in the Netherlands' construction industry, connecting companies and freelancers working together. Most freelancers work on construction sites and mainly use mobile phones, so Lance Free wanted to boost engagement rate and provide a better user experience. They turned to Codelevate with an ambitious goal: build a new mobile app for iOS and Android in just 3 months. The app needed to help freelancers find new projects, send messages, log working hours, send invoices, and get paid through the platform.

Our team was excited to take on this challenge and create a Mobile app for iOS and Android that would revolutionize how freelancers in the construction industry work and interact.

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We faced the exciting challenge of developing a mobile app for both iOS and Android in just 3 months. The app needed to seamlessly combine web and mobile features using React Native. Key features included login/register with Auth0, projects, chat, invoices, contracts, my profile, notifications, and settings. By using React Native and Azure Notifications Hub, we aimed to create the perfect mix of web and mobile native functionality, allowing freelancers to manage their projects and invoices effortlessly while on the go.

It was a tight deadline, but we were ready to deliver an outstanding solution.

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In just 3 months, our team turned Lance Free's idea for a new mobile app into a reality. We handled everything from design and development to QA testing, launching the app on both the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. The app has greatly increased user engagement and offers a smooth experience for companies and freelancers in the construction industry.

Since the launch, the app's daily downloads have been rising steadily, and users have given very positive feedback. Impressively, no bugs were reported in the first few months. The Lance Free team was very happy with our work and praised Codelevate for our great job.

This success story shows our dedication to delivering high-quality, user-friendly solutions quickly. Read more about Lance Free’s positive experience on Clutch.

Download app on iOS store or Android Store.

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