Custom Real Estate website for




12 weeks


Web development

Software Development

API integration


Main tech stack


Google Firebase


Tailwind CSS


Showcase project from Codelevate

Real estate process digitalization

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Acme is a leading construction company for new buildings providing innovative smart homes to thousands of people. The founder came to us with a request to design a new website and integrate it with a 3rd party software so they can easily manage projects, update customers on the progress of their buildings and provide a seamless user experience.

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We designed and developed a custom website for Acme, integrating it with 3rd party software via API, and building a custom management portal for their team to update project content and customer information. We mapped out the database architecture and grouped the project data for easy user navigation. Our designers created impressive wireframes and clickable prototypes which were approved by Acme's management team. Our developers worked together to create the database structure and connect it with the front-end, allowing for smooth API integration. The final step was building the management portal. All of this was accomplished in 3 months.

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By the end of this project, we were able to launch a seamless integration between a custom built website, management portal and 3rd party software.

Some of the features and outcomes we've included in this version are:

  • Corporate website
  • Management portal for the internal team
  • Custom CMS database
  • 3rd party API integrations with external software
  • A back-end logic for displaying all apartments, floors in a building and amenities

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